Gómez Rodríguez L1, Albornoz López R1, Giménez Gómez R2
1 Servicio de Farmacia Hospitalaria
2 Servicio de Oftalmología
Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Córdoba (España)
Rev. OFIL 2016, 26;3:175-183
Fecha de recepción: 03/08/2015 – Fecha de aceptación: 23/10/2015
Target: Analyze the effectiveness and safety in a number of cases treated with tacrolimus 0.02% ophthalmic ointment for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ocular surface.
Method: Prospective descriptive study of all patients who started treatment with tacrolimus ophthalmic from January 2010 to July 2012. The tacrolimus 0.02% ointment was compounded as extemporaneous formulation. The effectiveness and safety was assessed by telephone survey every patient after 3 months of treatment, supplemented with clinical history and clinical assessment of ophthalmologist for each patient, according to a subjective rating scale numbered from 1 to 5 (1= very bad, 2= poor, 3= fair, 4= good, 5= very good). The variables were diagnosis, associated symptoms, dosage and side effects, among others. The data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and frequency.
Results: Included 15 patients (11 adults and 4 pediatric) of which 13 expressed relief of symptoms as «good» (n= 5; 33.3%) or «very good» (n= 8; 53.3%). According to clinical assessment by an ophthalmologist, 10 patients did “very good” (n= 5; 33.3%) or “good” (n= 5; 33.3%). The usual pattern of prescribing was 2 daily applications, expanding this range according to clinical outcome. Eleven patients (73.3%) considered under the eyelid itching. Only one patient discontinued treatment. No other adverse effects were observed.
Conclusions: This study shows that tacrolimus 0.02% ointment is effective in various inflammatory eye diseases, especially in allergic diseases in pediatric patients, as well as ocular cicatricial pemphigoid and pseudopemphigoid in elderly patients, being generally well tolerated formulation without cause different side effects related to administration.
Key Words: Tacrolimus, ointment, eye, ocular inflammatory diseases.
Lourdes Gómez Rodríguez
Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía
(Servicio de Farmacia)
Avda. Menéndez Pidal, s/n
14004 Córdoba
Correo electrónico: lou_hst15@hotmail.com
Download PDF: Análisis de una serie de casos tratados con tacrolimus 0,02% pomada oftálmica