Fecha de recepción: 21/07/2017 – Fecha de aceptación: 31/01/2018
Arribas Díaz B1, Nájera Perez MD1, Page del Pozo MA2, Sánchez Lucas J2
1 Servicio de Farmacia
2 Servicio de Medicina Interna
Hospital General Universitario José María Morales Meseguer. Murcia (España)
Blanca Arribas Díaz
Hospital Morales Meseguer
C/ Marqués de los Vélez, s/n
30008 Murcia
Correo electrónico: blancaarribasdiaz@gmail.com
Diabetes mellitus is a high prevalence pathology in developed countries, for which in recent years numerous drugs with novel mechanisms of action have been marketed. We present the case of a diabetic patient, on treatment with dapagliflozin until their hospital admission, who is diagnosed of heart failure without clinical signs. The diuretic effect associated with the natriuretic mechanism of action of dapagliflozin leads to an atypical presentation of heart failure in which no congestion or edema are observed.
Key Words: Dapagliflozin, antidiabetic, cardiopathy.
Download PDF: Insuficiencia cardíaca enmascarada por dapagliflozina