Fecha de recepción: 30/04/2018 – Fecha de aceptación: 23/07/2018
Gómez-de Rueda F1, Tena-Sempere ME2, Elósegui-Horno I1, Salcedo-Lagullón JL3, López-Mudarra LC3, Gálvez del Postigo-Ruiz A4
1 UGC Farmacia Hospitalaria. Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén. Jaén (España)
2 UGC Oftalmología,. H.S.J.D Aljarafe, Bormujos. Sevilla (España)
3 Dirección Gerencia y Médica. Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén. Jaén (España)
4 Dpto. Ciencias de la Salud. Cátedra de Microbiología de los Alimentos. Universidad de Jaén. Jaén (España)
Félix Gómez-De Rueda w UGC Farmacia Hospitalaria, Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén w Avda. Ejército Español, 10 w 23007 Jaén (España)
Objective: To analyze the clinical-epidemiological characteristics and the containment measures to prevent infectious outbreaks due to multiresistant germs (MR) and the possible errors committed during the management thereof.
Materials and methods: Observational and retrospective study of a series of cases of patients infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae Oxa48 in a 7-month Intensive Care Unit, where the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the patients were analyzed.
Results: Of the 12 patients analyzed, 10 of them were men with an average age of over 60 years and all of them were infected or colonized by K. pneumoniae 0xa48. The analytical data were compatible with a critical patient admitted to an ICU, which contributed to the unfortunate prognosis and outcome of the patients. The average hospital stay was 68 days and all patients received broad-spectrum directed antibiotics. The low degree of application of prevention measures for both, staff and family members, was not effective and allowed the MR-germ to be disseminated with a final outcome of 10 deaths, contributing to this unfortunate outcome the unstable clinical state of the patients.
Conclusions: Precise knowledge of the germ is necessary and greater severity in the application of the measures to contain outbreaks of multiresistant infections. The fragile situation of the critical patient makes him more sensitive to a fatal outcome.
Key Words: Klebsiella pneumoniae, epidemiology, control measures.