Gómez-de Rueda F1, Gordon-Santiago MM2, Tena-Sempere ME3
1 UGC-Farmacia Hospitalaria. Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén. Jaén (España)
2 UGC-Oncología Médica. Hospital General Universitario Jerez. Jerez de la Frontera. Cádiz (España)
3 UGC-Oftalmología. Hospital SJD Aljarafe-Bormujos. Sevilla (España)
Rev. OFIL 2017, 27;1:23-29
Fecha de recepción: 15/03/2016 – Fecha de aceptación: 28/05/2016
Félix Gómez de Rueda
Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén
Avda. del Ejército Español, 10
23007 Jaén
Correo electrónico: felixj.gomez.sspa@juntadeandalucia.es
Introduction: Epithelial ovarian cancer represents an unfortunate scene in gynecological malignancies. Unfortunately its high prevalence and sometimes, late diagnosis, determine the prognosis of the disease. That is why in recent years, it has been investigated in the development of new tumor markers capable of approaching a more accurate and early diagnosis.
Objective: Compare HE4 and CA125 serum behavior during the diagnosis and treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer and its relationship with potential relapse.
Material and method: Retrospective and observational study of a series of twelve patients diagnosed ovarian cancer cases and which are followed during 21 months, reviewing medical records and health corporate applications.
Results: The resulting levels of the markers studied, were consistent with the clinical evolution of patients during the work carried out. The increase of plasma levels was consistent in 78% of relapses.
Key Words: CA125, epitelial ovarian cancer, HE4, tumor markers.