Rev. OFIL 2017, 27;4:380-384
Fecha de recepción: 23/12/2016 – Fecha de aceptación: 26/02/2017
Lazo Roblejo Y1, García Arzola ED2, Boane C3
1 Departamento de Farmacia
2 Departamento de Medicina
3 Dirección
Yaily Lazo Roblejo
Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde
Recinto do Hospital Provincial
Rúa 3 de fevereiro
Bairro Josina Machel
Província de Tete (Moçambique)
Correo electrónico:
Considerations about the historical evolution of pharmacy degree curriculum at Zambeze University are presented. Characteristics and limitations of the educational model established in the institution at the beginning are exposed, alongside the current tendencies of pharmaceutical professional practice, health situation and specific aspects about the use of medicines in Mozambique, all of them considered in order to restructure the first curriculum and to get a new pedagogical project in effect at present. This project has contributed to increase the quality of pharmaceutical professional education and it represents a very important starting point for the successful development of the work which is being performed in the institution at present time to improve and upgrade pharmaceutical education.
Key Words: Pharmacy degree curriculum, Zambeze University, to improve pharmaceutical education.
Download PDF: Consideraciones sobre la evolución histórica del plan de estudios de la carrera de Farmacia en la Universidad Zambeze