García Cases S1, Caro Aragonés I2, Aguinagalde Toya A3, Gaspar Carreño M4, Marquez Peiró JF5
1 Servicio de Farmacia Centro Sociosanitario La Florida. Alicante (España)
2 Servicio de Farmacia Clínica Mutua Balear. Palma de Mallorca (España)
3 Servicio de Farmacia Hospital Hospital Beata María Ana. Madrid (España)
4 Servicio de Farmacia Hospital Intermutual de Levante. Valencia (España)
5 Servicio de Farmacia Vithas Hospital Perpetuo Internacional. Alicante (España)
Rev. OFIL 2017, 27;1:31-46
Fecha de recepción: 30/03/2016 – Fecha de aceptación: 26/04/2016
Sergio García Cases
Avda. Tomás Aznar Doménech, 43
03007 Alicante
Correo electrónico:
The inhalation route is the route of choice for the administration of most of the drugs commonly used in the treatment of obstructive pulmonary diseases. The main advantage is that, due to the topical action, a quick and direct effect is achieved with the lowest possible dose and without the side effects of the systemic route. However, the route of inhalation administration has the drawback of using complex devices and inhalation technique difficult to perform by the patient.
Knowing the operation of these devices by the patients and by the health personnel guarantees the success of the treatment.
Therefore, and knowing the limitations that exist with the route of administration inhalation, the Working Group of Sanitary Products (GPS) of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) has developed a document of recommendations on devices and guide administration by inhalation. This article intends to summarize the document with the objective of detailing the operation of the different devices and the steps that the patient has to follow in order to obtain greater benefit and efficiency of the treatment, achieving better health results.
Key Words: Administration, inhalation, sanitary product, pressurized cartridge, dry powder, nebulizer, inhalation chamber, pharmacy service.
Download PDF: Dispositivos y guía de administración vía inhalatoria