Fecha de recepción: 01/09/2017 – Fecha de aceptación: 31/01/2018
Cidoncha Muñoz I1, Pérez Abanades M2, Ibáñez Zurriaga A2, Ramírez Herráiz E2, Martínez Nieto C2, Morell Baladrón A2
1 Residente 4º año en Farmacia Hospitalaria
2 Especialista en Farmacia Hospitalaria. Facultativo Especialista de Área
Servicio de Farmacia. Hospital Universitario de La Princesa. Madrid (España)
Isabel Cidoncha Muñoz
Diego de León, 62
28006 Madrid
Correo electrónico: isabel.cidoncha@salud.madrid.org
Objectives: To analyze the effectiveness and safety of enzalutamide in the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPCm).
Material and methods: Retrospective observational study of patients diagnosed with CRPCm who initiated enzalutamide in any treatment line since January 2015 to May 2016. Demographic, diagnostic, therapeutic and clinical variables were collected. The response was evaluated according to the reduction of prostate-specific antigen levels from baseline and progression free survival. All side effects secondary to treatment were reported.
Results: 31 patients were included, with a median age of 77.68 (7.39) years. The prostate-specific antigen basal median was 45.38 (16.8-153.8) ng/mL. The reduction of prostate-specific antigen basal was ≥50% in 13 (43.33%) patients and >90% in 3 (23.07%). 14 (56.66%) patients were considered as non-responders: 2 (14.28%) patients had reduction of prostate-specific antigen levels from 30-50% and 12 (85.71%) had progressive disease, with an increase in prostate-specific antigen levels during the treatment. The median progression free survival was 9 months (IC95% 5.99-12.01). The most common side effects were headache (70.97%), fatigue (67.74%), arterial hypertension (50.84%), skeletal-related events (41.93%): 46.15% were due to treatment of radiation for prostate cancer, 30.77% were due to spinal cord compression, 15.38% were due to bone fracture and 7.69% were due to bone surgery, and epileptic seizures (16.13%): 40% were de novo, 40% were secondary to ischemic stroke and 20% secondary to underlying brain injury.
Conclusions: Enzalutamide extends progression free survival and is associated with robust response rates and quality of life benefits in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Is postulated as alternative in this pathology.
Key Words: Enzalutamide, prostatic neoplasms, castration resistant.
Download PDF: Efectividad y seguridad de enzalutamida en cáncer de próstata metastásico resistente a la castración