Colón López de Dicastillo A1, Gómez Gómez D1, Giménez Poderós T1, Villanueva Eguaras MA2, Crespo Hidalgo M2, Valero Domínguez M1
1 Servicio de Farmacia Hospitalaria
2 Servicio de Anestesiología. Reanimación y Unidad del Dolor
Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander. Cantabria (España)
Rev. OFIL 2016, 26;2:111-116
Fecha de recepción: 15/06/2015 – Fecha de aceptación: 19/10/2015
Purpose: To describe the process for introducing a standardized model for storing drugs inside the anesthesia medication drawers in the surgical area of a tertiary care hospital. Evaluation of the project`s feasibility and acceptability, conducting a survey about anesthesiologists satisfaction with the standardization.
Materials and methods: Multidisciplinary project that was carried out by a pharmacist and the general anesthetic service. In the surgical-area, composition of the current anesthesia carts and medicines consumption were revised together with direct observation of the anesthesiologist’s criteria when using medication in theatre. Thus, a new model was developed and applied. The accuracy of the adaptation to the model proposed was revised and anesthesiologists were asked to answer a survey about its practicability.
Results: Initially, a huge variability in the organization, contents and medication labeling was observed between all the medication drawers. So, a basic template including common and essential drugs was designed with some variations in specific drugs, depending on the specialty of the theatre. Therefore, four complete templates, General Surgery and specialties, Neurosurgery, Cardiovascular Surgery and Ophthalmology, were created. Finally, anesthesiologists (n=40) valued with an 8 from a maximum of 10 points their global satisfaction with the project. Besides, its ability to decrease medication errors was also highly valued with 8 points.
Conclusion: Standardization of the anesthesia medication drawers has become a new barrier that reduces the probability of medication errors, which has also been favourably considered by anesthesiologists.
Key Words: Medication errors, anesthesia, patient safety.
Ana Colón López de Dicastillo
Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Servicio de Farmacia)
Avda. Valdecilla, s/n
39008 Santander
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