Fecha de recepción: 30/08/2017 – Fecha de aceptación: 16/11/2017
Arias Pou P1, Delgado Latorre A1, Aguinagalde Toya A2, Gaspar Carreño M3, Silberberg Muiño JM4, Sobrido Sampedro C5
1 Servicio de Farmacia. Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Madrid (España)
2 Servicio de Farmacia. Hospital Beata María Ana de Jesús. Madrid (España)
3 Servicio de Farmacia. Hospital Intermutual de Levante. Valencia (España)
4 Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología. Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Madrid (España)
5 Servicio de Radiología. Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Madrid (España)
Paloma Arias Pou
HM Hospitales (Farmacia Central)
Plaza Conde Valle Suchil, 2
28015 Madrid
Correo electrónico: pariaspo@hotmail.com
The purposes of this study are to describe hyaluronan drugs marketed in Spain for rheumatic and traumatologic pathologies and to detect similar and differential characteristics.
The BotPlus® database was used to identify the drugs marketed in Spain. We studied the following characteristics of the drugs selected using drug information label: manufacturing process, formulation, therapeutic use, route of administration, dosage and other physical properties. From NCBI database we selected studies in human comparing different hyaluronan drugs in terms of efficacy and safety.
There are thirty nine hyaluronan drugs authorized in Spain as medical device and one, Hyalgan®, as human drug. These products differ in the hyaluronan amount, concentration and molecular weight, in the volume and number of injections recommended. The product registration as drugs instead of as medical device would led to the performance of better quality clinical trials that would enable a better selection.
The growing number of hyaluronan products available makes its correct selection quite toilsome and complex. As there are no conclusive evidence with respect to clinical effectiveness comparing these products, its selection depends on a variety of factors including professional experience, clinical results obtained, the joint to treat, patient’s preferences, commercial offer among others. It is mandatory to carry out comparative studies between these drugs to ease a better selection.
Key Words: Hyaluronic acid, viscosupplementation, joint, osteoarthritis.
Download PDF: Presentaciones de ácido hialurónico ¿son realmente diferentes?t