Rev. OFIL 2018, 28;1:15-21
Fecha de recepción: 27/01/2017 – Fecha de aceptación: 28/01/2017
Valero García S1, Vila Clérigues N2, López Briz E2, Borrás Almenar C2, Escobar Cava P2, Poveda Andrés JL2
1 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe. Valencia (España)
2 Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe. Valencia (España)
Silvia Valero García
C/Albal, 16 – esc dcha – piso 4º – pta 13
46200 Paiporta (Valencia)
Correo electrónico:
Introduction: Occupational exposure to certain drugs can cause harmful effects on health professionals if suitable protective measures are not taken. Handling of «hazardous drugs» (HD) is being reviewed by scientific societies and other organizations. Pharmacy Department (PD) should establish appropriate measures in order to adapt their procedures to suitable laws. This article presents relative PD actions in Polytechnic University Hospital La Fe and healthcare impact assumed.
Methods: Descriptive study. The actions were classified as follows: establishing a list of HD, improving handling, work procedures and healthcare circuit standardization, and training and information.
Results: HD list was established. PD was provided with collective protection measures and all inpatient units were provided with individual protection equipment. Two new work protocols were developed. Training and information sessions were conducted throughout the hospital.
Discussion: Compliance with national and international recommendations and legislation is essential for health professionals protection involved in pharmacotherapeutic HD circuit. PD is the natural leader for implementing the necessary actions in collaboration with other services involved and hospital leadership.
Key Words: Hazardous drugs, management, occupational safety.
Download full article – PDF: Implementación de un circuito seguro para la gestión integral de fármacos peligrosos en un hospital de tercer nivel