Lutsenko V, Auñón Crespo V, Castadot Cobo R, Martín Blas C, Onteniente González A, Sánchez-Rubio Ferrández J
Hospital Universitario de Getafe. Madrid (España)
Rev. OFIL 2016, 26;4:275-279
Fecha de recepción: 14/03/2016 – Fecha de aceptación: 09/05/2016
Javier Sánchez-Rubio Ferrández
Hospital Universitario de Getafe
Crta. Toledo Km. 12,5
28905 Getafe (Madrid)
Correo electrónico:
Introduction: Influenza vaccination in patients at high risk of complications is necessary to reduce their morbility and mortality.
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of influenza vaccination among outpatients with risk factors, to determine knowledge about the vaccination indication and the impact of the pharmaceutical intervention.
Methods: Single-center prospective study. Demographic data, risk group and vaccination (administration and knowledge) were collected. The effect of the pharmaceutical intervention on unvaccinated patients was measured by reviewing of the vaccination registry (Horus®).
Results: 56.3% of the patients received the vaccine. Among the unvaccinated patients, 44.9% didn’t know about the indication. The pharmaceutical intervention was effective in 15.1% of the cases.
Conclusions: An important percentage of the patients do not fulfils the recommendation of vaccination. Information about the need of vaccination among high risk patients should be promoted, and the pharmaceutical intervention is an effective method to accomplish it.
Key Words: Influenza, vaccines, influenza vaccine, seasonal influenza, vaccination policy, vaccine recommendations, outpatient.
Download PDF: Influenza vaccination in risk outpatients. Impact of the pharmaceutic intervention