Fecha de recepción: 26/04/2018 – Fecha de aceptación: 10/07/2018
Conte Valdes EI1, Morales Arauz Y2, Herrera Ballesteros V¹, Zamorano Castillero C³, Niño Hall C¹, Gómez Quintero B¹,
Toro Lozano J³
1 Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud. Panamá (República de Panamá)
2 Universidad Latina de Panamá (República de Panamá)
3 Caja de Seguro Social (República de Panamá)
Eric Ivan Conte Valdes w Apartado postal 0831-02496 w Paitilla. Panamá (República de Panamá)
Objective: Identify the knowledge and practices of the people related to the responsible use of antibiotics.
Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, we interviewed 1,264 individuals ≥18 years of age. Individuals were selected after attendance to one of 130 private pharmacies randomly selected, from the four biggest cities in Panama. The Surveys were applied by pharmacy students, in October 2015.
Results: 83% of respondents stated that they took antibiotics in the last 6 months, 64% of people reported the names of antibiotics taken and 76% did not know the actual indication of an antibiotic. 72% stated that they obtained antibiotics by submitting a prescription, 11% did so on the recommendation of another person and 6% by recommendation at the pharmacy. In relation to the adherence, 58% indicated the compliance to the treatment. 79% stated that they were denied the purchase of antibiotics when they tried to obtain them without a prescription, as stated by the current regulations.
Conclusions: There is scarcity of know- ledge related to the use of antibiotics, adherence to treatment, and hence the development of bacterial resistance. It is necessary to orient the public on the rational use of antibiotics thus avoiding self-medication and the need to take prescribed antibiotics and comply with treatment guidelines.
Key Words: Antibiotics, medical prescription, adherence to treatment, rational use of medicines.
Descargar artículo en PDF: Encuesta de conocimientos y prácticas de la población relacionados al uso responsable de antibióticos