Rev. OFIL 2017, 27;4:374-379
Fecha de recepción: 16/02/2017 – Fecha de aceptación: 29/03/2017
López-Torres López J, Carbajal de Lara JA, López-Torres Hidalgo MR
Facultad de Farmacia de Albacete. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Albacete (España)
Jesús López-Torres López
Avda. Alcalde José Mª Blanc, 49 – Bajo
02008 Albacete
Correo electrónico:
Through a systematic review of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) aimed at addressing cough, as well as other literature sources, we have developed recommendations for pharmaceutical indication to patients with diabetes and/or hypertension attending the pharmacy seeking drug treatment for the symptom.
After designing a search strategy, we made the selection of bibliographical sources and we collected the information. The literature search was conducted in the following web storage resources or GPC search: Medline, GuíaSalud, National Guideline Clearinghouse, Canadian Medical Association Infobase, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, Australia’s Clinical Practice Guidelines Portal, Trip Database and National Health Service Evidence. As additional sources, we did a review of UpToDate, Database BOT plus 2.0 and a treaty of Human Pharmacology.
Specific recommendations on drug treatment were formulated taking into account their level of evidence and possible interactions and contraindications of drugs in patients with hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus. Likewise, performance algorithm was built, following Good Practices in Community Pharmacy in Spain of General Council of Official Colleges of Pharmacists.
The first therapeutic option for cough caused by common cold in patients with hypertension and / or diabetes mellitus is dextromethorphan, as well as first-generation antihistamines or combination of antihistamines and decongestants. In patients with DM it should be noted that some medications, which contain dextromethorphan, also contain sucrose.
Key Words: Cough, hypertension, diabetes mellitus.
Download PDF: Indicación farmacéutica para la tos en pacientes con diabetes e hipertensión arterial