Fecha de recepción: 13/10/2017 – Fecha de aceptación: 29/01/2018
Arroyo Monterroza DA1,3,5, Castro Bolívar JF2,3,5, Altamar Barraza PJ4,5, Arrieta Sarabia G6, Gómez Barrios G6
1 Químico Farmacéutico. Especialista Farmacia Clínica. Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia)
2 Químico Farmacéutico. Msc Atención Farmacéutica. Universidad de Granada (España)
3 Grupo de Investigación en Farmacia Asistencial y Farmacología (GIFAF). Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia)
4 Nutricionista Dietista. Departamento de Nutrición y Dietética. Barranquilla (Colombia)
5 Clínica de la Costa Ltda. (Colombia)
6 Estudiante de Farmacia. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia)
Dadier Antonio Arroyo Monterroza
Clínica de la Costa Ltda.
Carrera 50, nº 80 – 90
Barrio Alto Prado
Barranquilla-Atlántico (Colombia)
Correo electrónico: dadierarroyo1991@hotmail.com
Introduction: Parenteral nutrition (NP) consists of the provision of nutrients intravenously administered to patients with gastrointestinal, malnourished or under nutrient dysfunction, in order to cover the nutritional requirements of the patient, the insufficient nutrient supply to the patient or by the interactions that occur in this and the pharmacological therapy; thus generating the appearance of negative outcomes associated with medication.
Objective: To describe the drug-related problems (DRP) and negative outcomes associated (NOM) with medication in patients with total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in patients with total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in a third level clinic by means of the pharmaceutical care practice for the medication therapy management and nutritional therapy of the patients.
Method: A descriptive, quasi-experimental and prospective study was conducted in 43 patients with a TPN prescription at a third-level clinic in the city of Barranquilla for 4 months.
Results: 47 NOM were detected, of which 50% were of quantitative ineffectiveness specifically, 25% of need and 25% of safety. A total of 47 pharmaceutical interventions were performed, with an acceptance rate of 85.1% (40 interventions), of the accepted interventions, 38 NOM were resolved, 7 interventions were not accepted, and 6 health problems were not solved.
Conclusion: It was demonstrated that more than 80% of the cases with DRP/NOM in which the pharmacist intervened were able to solve, optimizing the pharmacological and nutritional treatments, thus improving the health status of the patients.
Key Words: Parenteral nutrition, pharmaceutical services, nutritional requirements.
Download PDF: Seguimiento farmacoterapéutico en pacientes con nutrición parenteral total