Fecha de recepción: 09/07/2018 – Fecha de aceptación: 10/07/2018
Madurga Sanz M
Lic. Farmacia (UCM), Diplm. Salud Pública (ENS), Diplm. Farmacovigilancia y Farmacoepidemiología (UAB).
Ex-Jefe de Área de Coordinación del SEFV-H, AEMPS.
Consultor Internacional en Farmacovigilancia.
Ex-Presidente de OFIL
Mariano Madurga Sanz
Ronda de las Sirenas, 62
28221 Majadahonda (Madrid)
Correo electrónico: mmadurgasanz@gmail.com
Currently, pharmacovigilance is an essential tool in pharmacotherapy. It is aimed at optimized use of medications, minimizing or avoiding adverse effects. After more than 50 years, from its beginnings of gradual implantation, the changes that it is having during this 21st century will continue to modify its parameters as a public health activity. Its four basic pillars must adapt to these changes, both in the methodological and scientific aspects, with therapeutic and scientific advances in the identification of «signals». As in those related to regulations that facilitate the transparent exchange of information between the authorities and the marketing authorisation holders companies. As well as the resources, both human and technological, hand in hand with the empowerment of citizens. And all this in a global world, each day more interconnected, that requires collaboration in all directions, within each country, and between countries to strengthen and expedite regulatory measures. All this with the necessary infrastructure based on new information technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT).
While medications are being used, they should always be used in the safest way, which guarantees patient safety, by guiding and focusing all health care on the patient.
Key Words: Pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology, patiet-centered care, history 21st century.
Download PDF: Retos en la farmacovigilancia del siglo XXI, camino del 2030