Rev. OFIL 2017, 27;3:294-308
Fecha de recepción: 21/07/2016 – Fecha de aceptación: 25/04/2017
López Mancha MT1, Sánchez Gómez E1, Contreras Rey MB2
1 Farmacéutico Especialista Farmacia Hospitalaria. Servicio de Farmacia
2 Farmacéutica Residente Farmacia Hospitalaria. Servicio de Farmacia
Hospital General de Especialidades Juan Ramón Jiménez. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Huelva (España)
María Teresa López Mancha
Hospital General de Especialidades Juan Ramón Jiménez
(Servicio de Farmacia)
Ronda Exterior Norte, s/n
21005 Huelva
Correo electrónico:
Objective: To identify drugs and to establish the procedure to get an efficient and safe administration of them through a jejunostomy tube.
Material and method: The drugs included in the hospital pharmacotherapy guide were identified. Subsequently, a literature search was performed in MEDLINE® and EMBASE®, taking as the Spanish and English languages, the descriptors limits ‘jejunostomy’ and ‘drug administration routes’ and matching with keywords ‘enteral feeding tubes’. Guidelines for drug administration deemed as especially relevants by the research team were selected. Finally, when it was considered necessary, the medication technical specifications of the EMA and/or AEMPS were reviewed.
Results: We identified a total of 160 drugs for which there is a evidence of its administration through a jejunostomy tube. However, in 46 cases it was found specifically necessary to monitor the effectiveness or potential increased side effects. There was an incompatibility with enteral nutrition in 40 drugs, which necessarily implied a distanced administration in the time between the drug and diet.
Conclusions: Drug administration through jejunostomy tubes requires an analysis of the dosage form to be handled, the absorption place of the active substance and the possible interactions with other products that are administered through the same access. For all these reasons, it is necessary to have tools that promote the proper administration of drugs through jejunostomy tubes.
Key Words: Drug administration, safe medication administration, enteral feeding, tablet crushing, jejunostomy, jejunostomy tubes.
Download PDF: Revisión de las recomendaciones de administración de fármacos a través de yeyunostomías