Fecha de recepción: 11/01/2018 – Fecha de aceptación: 30/01/2018
Álvarez-Risco A1, Solís-Tarazona Z2, Del-Aguila-Arcentales S3,4, Díaz-Risco S5
1 Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Recursos Humanos – Universidad de San Martin de Porres. Lima (Perú)
2 Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas (DIGEMID). Lima (Perú)
3 Escuela Nacional de Marina Mercante “Almirante Miguel Grau”. Lima (Perú)
4 Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana (UNAP). Iquitos (Perú)
5 Centro de Fertilidad Cajamarca. Cajamarca (Perú)
Aldo Alvarez-Risco
Las Calandrias, 151
Santa Anita. Lima (Perú)
Correo electrónico: aalvarezr@usmp.pe
Objectives: To demonstrate the savings obtained with the implementation of the Unit Dose Drug Delivery System (SDMDU) in specialized hospitals and institutes in Lima, Peru.
Methods: Longitudinal, prospective, descriptive, quantitative design study. The evaluation is made from the semi-annual reports sent by each hospital and specialized institute according to the Peruvian Law of SDMDU. It is established to compare the results among the establishments, considering only the level of implementation indicator (number of beds with SDMDU coverage) and the amount of money saved indicator due to the implementation of the SDMDU. Also, the data of both indicators are compared to analyze the relationship of implementation level and amount of money saved. The information to be evaluated corresponds to the period July-December 2014.
Results: Information from 11 public health facilities (8 hospitals and 3 specialized institutes) is evaluated. The total number of beds in the public institutions evaluated was 3,884, with 1,272 (32.74%) of the beds covered by the SDMDU. The total money saved was 768,791 nuevos soles, which is equivalent to 1,025 minimum salaries in Peru (each minimum salary equals 234 US dollars, 212 euros), which would allow paying the wage of 219 pharmacists (almost 20 additional pharmacists per health establishment on average). These pharmacists could dedicate themselves to increasing the coverage of the SDMDU.
Conclusion: There are different levels of implementation and savings by health facilities. It is reported a significant saving of money that would finance the hiring of more pharmacists in health facilities, for which it is necessary to improve the implementation, both in the interdisciplinary processes of the SDMDU and in the number of beds with coverage.
Key Words: Unit Dose Drug Distribution System, money saving, hospitals, Peru.