Barreda Hernández D1, Mulet Alberola AM2, Soler Company E3
1 Coordinadora del Grupo Código de Ética Farmacéutica
2 Miembro Grupo ETHOS de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria
3 Coordinador del Grupo ETHOS de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria
Fecha de recepción: 29/05/2018 – Fecha de aceptación: 11/06/2018
Correspondencia: Dolores Barreda Hernández w Hospital Virgen de la Luz (Servicio de Farmacia) w Hermandad Donantes de Sangre, s/n w 16002 Cuenca (España)
The first human duty is to create values or principles and the practical ethics requires of method need special code of behaviour. The Ethics Code of 2015 contributes original duties about improving or preserve the quality of live; the patient’s right of the pharmacist as expert in pharmacotherapy during the whole process; the duty of informing in relation to pharmacotherapeutics alternatives and the corresponsability in the adherence is reinforced. It is mentions the compromise with security culture, teaching, investigation and quality. Also, respect to life, dignity and human rights without forgetting the responsibility of contribute to maintain the environment, the ecosystem for the generations to come.
This Code of Ethics is a guideline of behaviour, a code of conduct with many arguments –one per article– to put the professional in its way to excellence.
Key Words: Excellence, code of ethics, pharmacist, bioethics.