Fecha de recepción: 05/05/2017 – Fecha de aceptación: 25/01/2018
Bento Martins CM
Centro Hospitalar do Algarve, E.P.E. Faro (Portugal)
Carminda Maria Bento Martins
Centro Hospitalar do Algarve, E.P.E.
Rua Leão Penedo
8000-386 Faro (Portugal)
Correo electrónico: carmindamartins@chalgarve.min-saude.pt
Objective: The main objective of this work was based on the analysis of the regulations issued by Despacho conjunto nº 1051/2000, its feasibility and suitability to the real needs through the implementation of protocols, in order to comply with said order without check the constraints at the time of availability of the medicines so that they can be available in a timely manner for the treatment of patients followed at the hospital where the study was carried out.
Methodology: Analysis and description of the methodologies implemented with regard to the traceability of blood products based on Despacho conjunto nº 1051/2000, as well as the regulations and protocols implemented in said institution in order to be feasible the proposed goal of traceability of these drugs.
Results: The rules and procedures implemented which follow the required quality standards are described and allow the immediate accessibility of these drugs whenever prescribed, but complying with the legislation. Likewise, the qualitative and quantitative consumption for the year 2016 is presented, with a total of 9,109 units of different blood products dispensed by the Pharmaceutical Services, corresponding to 1,572 distribution records.
Conclusions: In spite of the high consumption of blood products and the strict rules that are implemented, we can conclude that it is possible at any moment to access information about which patients were given a particular batch of medicine, as well as the type of drug and clinical context the same was prescribed and administered.
Key Words: Blood products, traceability, monitoring blood products.
Descargar artículo en PDF: Rastreabilidade de medicamentos hemoderivados. Legislação e procedimentos