Fecha de recepción: 16/01/2018 – Fecha de aceptación: 27/03/2018
Parro Martín MA1, Sánchez Cuervo M1, Pueyo López C1, Gómez de Salazar López de Silanes E1,
Arnalich Montiel F2, Bermejo Vicedo T1
1 Servicio de Farmacia
2 Servicio de Oftalmología
Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal. Madrid (España)
Mª Ángeles Parro Martín
Calle San Dacio, 15, 5º izda.
28034 Madrid
Correo electrónico: mariadelosange.parro@salud.madrid.org
Herpetic keratitis is a viral infection of the eye caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It can compromise the deeper layers of the cornea, causing scarring, loss of vision and even blindness.
Topical virostatics are used in the management of herpetic keratitis, either as a unic treatment or associated with others (topically and/or systemically). The treatment of choice is acyclovir, followed by ganciclovir. When it is an infection resistant to these, Foscarnet is used in the form of eye drops prepared in the hospital pharmacy services.
The use of foscarnet in eye drops in a series of 3 cases of patients with herpetic keratitis resistant to aciclovir and ganciclovir is described.
Key Words: Herpetic keratitis, resistant, ganciclovir, foscarnet.
Download PDF: Tratamiento de la queratitis herpética resistente a aciclovir y ganciclovir: a proposito de una serie de casos