Objectives: Testing the applicability of the ABC analysis in stock management of a community pharmacy and studying results of quality pharmaceutical service and stock management.
Method: Experimental study in which we have applied ABC analysis adapted to community pharmacy and we have studied the relationship between percentage of sales and percentage of the value of the inventory in PVP, excess stock, obsolete items and service quality . In order to assess this intervention indicators selected were recorded at month 0 and 6.
Results: In the first analysis, percentage of sales was larger than percentage of the value of the inventory in PVP in group A and B, but not in group C and D. After correcting deviations in the second analysis the indicators showed a balance between sales and investment in all groups. The percentage of no dispensations, which controls quality pharmaceutical service, increased slightly.
Conclusions: The ABC analysis is a tool, applicable in a pharmacy, which facilitates reducing excess of stock and getting balance between sales and investment in product. In short, ABC analysis improves pharmaceutical management efficiency without reducing pharmaceutical quality of service so much if indicators as percentage of no dispensations are considerated.
Key Words: Stock management, community pharmacy, ABC analysis, quality service.
Sara Mud Castelló
Avda. Dr. Fleming, 22
Ondara (Alicante)
Correo electrónico:
Mud Castelló S1, Mud Castelló F1, Castelló Alberola MD1, Mud Gadea F1, Martínez Moreno J2,3
1 Farmacéutico/a comunitario. Ondara. Alicante (España)
2 Servicio de Farmacia. Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset de Valencia (España)
3 Departamento de Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica. Facultad de Farmacia. Valencia (España)
Rev. O.F.I.L. 2016, 26;1
Fecha de recepción: 22/05/2015 – Fecha de aceptación: 03/07/2015
Download PDF: Aplicación del método ABC en la gestión del stock de una farmacia comunitaria
Article in number: VOL. 26 – Nº1 – 2016